Cyberphysical Systems Research

Sometimes I hate Real Reality

Willi Bruns, Prof. Dr.-Ing., i. R.
........................................SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION

retired from
Forschungszentrum Arbeit - Umwelt - Technik (artec) / artecLab - art work technology
Universität Bremen
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße (SFG)
Postfach 330440
D-28334 Bremen


Sometimes I love Real Reality

After my retirement from teaching and research at Bremen University in 2010, I enjoy the rediscovery of some personal roots. Restoring an old farmhouse under monument-protection in the country side some 100 km from Berlin, my familly has the chance to live Art-Work-Technology of mixed real and virtual worlds in the nature of Havelland. Our old barn provides large spaces to experiment with a merging of real and virtual objects by duplication and continuation.

We love quests and the development of games. Can you find out what we mean here?

Sound from Nature
Sound for Transition
Sound To Start
Variations1 of PI
Variations2 of PI
Variations3 of PI

And we love experiments

What about CyberphysicalS?

My understanding of Cyberphysical Systems Research does not follow the path of embedded systems or cyber-physics, where some controlling (cyber) microprocessors are acting via interfaces on some sensed physical environment in which they are embedded. We aim at the continuation of phenomena between the real and the virtual. To use an old metaphore of Ivan Sutherland (1965) in his "Ultimate Display", we seek means, how to let the virtual ball, shot by a virtual soccer team, be continued into the real playing ground as a real ball.

The Ultimate Wall
Our Hyper-Bond concept is a first step into that direction.

Research Areas

Research Projects (Selection)

Archived Project Sites from arteclab (not all links alife)
HYSIM - Hypermedia based Simulation for Vocational Schools (BMBW 1992-1997)
ERBEN - Entwicklung einer realitätsorientierten Benutzungsoberfläche für Werkstattrechner (FNK 1996-1999)
BeNet - Berufliche Bildung und internationale Datennetze (BMBW 1996-1999)
RUGAMS - Computer Aided Bridges between Concrete and Abstract Models of Production Systems (DFG 1997-2000)
BREVIE - Bridging Reality and Virtuality with a Graspable User Interface (EU 1997-2000)
ComNet - Computer supported Network ..... (EU Leonardo 1999-2001)
EUGABE - Experience oriented Bridges between concrete and abstract Models (DFG 1999-2002)
Tellme - Telemedia Learning Environments for Vocational Schools (BMBW 1999-2002)
DERIVE - Distributed Real and Virtual Learning Environments for Mechatronics and Teleservice (EU 2000-2003)
RADIO - Remote Action in Distributed Learning Environments (EU)
MARVEL - Virtual Laboratory in Mechatronics : Access to Remote and Virtual e-Learning (EU 2002-2004)
Shamba - Geheimnisvolle Gartenräume (Uni&FH Bremen 2007-2008)
VEDIP - Einheitliches Konzept für die Verbindung digitaler und physikalischer Modelle mit Hyper-Bonds (DFG 2005-2008)

Archived arteclab Videos
HyperBond Concept - Connecting real and virtual Worlds
3Sat-Hitec - TV Report about New Forms of Interaction
3Sat-Nano - TV Report about Real-Virtual Means to teach Mechatronics
DERIVE - EU Project "Destributed real and virtual Environment
LabFuture - Future Laboratories
ProdInf - Courses in Production-Informatics
SE99 - Programming by Demostration
Student Project Sensoric Garden
ThemaStuttgart - Theater Perfomance "Theater der Maschinen" in Stuttgart
TheMirTrailer - Trailer of Project "Theater in Mixed Reality
VirtualLVProdsys - Virtual Courses in Production Systems
artecLabVirtualSite1 - Virtual Site of artecLab 1
artecLabVirtualSite2 - Virtual Site of artecLab 2
CAVE - Student Projects "Mixed Reality Caves"
MiCA - Mixed Reality Cave MiCA
micarpet - Mixed Reality Cave Micarpet
Remote ForceFeedback

Archived arteclab Publications
1993 - Bruns: artecpaper19 - Über die Rückgewinnung von Sinnlichkeit
1993 - Bruns, Heimbucher, Mueller: artecpaper21 - Erfahrungsorientierte Gestaltung von Rechnersystemen
1993 - Mueller: artecpaper22- Application Framework for Multisensoric User Interfaces
1995 - Bruns: SimulationWerkzeug - Simulation als Werkzeug, Medium oder OBJEKT
1996 - Bruns, Brauer: artecpaper46 - Bridging the Gap between Real and Virtual Modeling
1996 - Bruns: GraspComUnderst- Grasping, Communicating, Understanding
1996 - Bruns, Mueller: Lernfoerderliche Uebergaenge
1997 - Brauer, Bruns, Schaefer: RealReality
1997 - Mueller: Hysim-abschlussbericht
1997 - Hornecker: Subjekt-in-der-Arbeit
1998 - Bruns: IntegratedRealVirtProt-IECON98-Aachen-
1998 - Hornecker: CouplingPhysicalArtifacts_ED_Media
1998 - Hornecker: ProgrammierenAlsHandwerkszeug
1998 - Robben: GegenstModelleDatenhand
1998 - Robben, Ruegge: Mit_den_Haenden
1999 - Bruns: AutoErectingAgents
1999 - Bruns: ComplexConstrKits
1999 - Ernst: CreatingVirtualWorlds
1999 - Hornecker: Gegenstaendl-Modellierung-SE99
1999 - Hornecker: VocationalTraining-HCI99
1999 - Mueller: Benet-Abschlussbericht
1999 - Schaefer, Bruns: Rugams-artecpaper_67
2000 - Bruns: Complex Objects
2000 - Bruns, Ernst: KeepSensesCVE2000
2000 - Mueller: Hysim-HTB1998
2000 - Mueller: Tellme-1.Zwischenbericht
2000 - Schmudlach: BridgingReality
2000 - Schmudlach et al: Graspable-CHI2000
2001 - Bruns: Hyperbonds
2001 - Bruns: WebBasedCoopI3Spring
2001 - Hornecker: IRIS24
2001 - Hornecker: ECSCW-PosterDescription
2001 - Hornecker, Robben, Bruns: TechnSpielraeume-Chemnitz2
2001 - Mueller: Final-report-radio-annex
2001 - Mueller: Final-report-radio-part-1
2001 - Mueller: Simulatoren
2001 - Mueller: Teleservice
2001 - Schaefer, Bruns: PLCProgrammingbyDemo
2002 - Abdelrahimsai-Pjau_uA: artec-paper101_THEMA
2002 - Bruns et al: artec-paper102DERIVEFinalReport
2002 - Hornecker: Boulder-DIS02
2002 - Hornecker: PDC02, Malmoe
2002 - Hornecker, Bittner: HCC6
2002 - Hornecker: Coop02
2002 - Mueller: Arbeitsprozess
2002 - Mueller: Tellme-2.Zwischenbericht
2003 - Bruns: IFAC8Hyperbonds
2003 - Bruns: LernenInMixedReality
2003 - Erbe, Bruns-paper153_SICICA_2003
2003 - Faust, Bruns: MixedRealityWebService
2003 - Meier, Bruns: SynchronousModelCreation
2003 - Mueller, Bruns: Arbeiten-und-begreifen
2003 - Mueller: Tellme-Abschluss-Bericht
2004 - Bruns, Erbe: ASEEDerive
2004 - Bruns, Erbe: InCom04RemoteLab
2004 - Bruns, Faust: IFAC9HumanMachineArt
2004 - Bruns: HyperBondsApplicationsChallenge
2004 - Bruns: HyperbondsDistributedCollaborationMR
2004 - Bruns: K2
2004 - Bruns: MixedRealityHyperbonds
2004 - Bruns: PlenaryLectureIFACCOA
2004 - Bruns, Richard: AestheticCybernetics
2004 - Bruns, Schaefer:IFAC7Telerobotics
2004 - Faust, Cermark: OlympicRun
2004 - Ferreira, Mueller: Social-construct
2004 - Hornecker, Bruns: IFACInteractInstallAnalys
2004 - Hornecker, Bruns: Interaktion
2004 - Michaelides, Elefthiou, Mueller: SolarLab-REV04
2004 - Mueller, Bruns: Apo-Lernen-in-MR
2004 - Mueller, Ferreira: TEL03-paper-1.0-3
2004 - Mueller: Learntec2004
2004 - Richard, Bruns: AesthetischeErziehungSmartspiel
2004 - Richard, Bruns: Mensch-Masch-Spielraum
2004 - Yoo, Bruns: IFAC9MotorSkillLearning
2004 - Yoo, Bruns: IFACOttawa-RealtimeCollab
2005 - Alves et al: Rexnet-ETFA05-IEEE
2005 - Bruns, Erbe: MixedRealityHyperbonds
2005 - Bruns: HyperbondsDistributedCollaborationMR
2005 - Bruns: Ifacwchyper-bondsSupportingFinal
2005 - Cermak, Faust, Rosch: Airkanoid
2005 - Faust, Robben: HyperKult
2005 - Hornecker, Bruns: InteraktionDesignReflexion
2005 - Mueller, Ferreira: iJOE05
2005 - Mueller, Bruns: EDEN05
2005 - Mueller,Bruns:GTW
2005 - Mueller: Google
2005 - Mueller: Marvel-impuls_18-web
2005 - Robben, Mueller, Faust, Cermak, Bruns: MR-adventures05
2005 - Yoo, Bruns: IFAC16_PragueFinal
2005 - ArtecLab: ArtecLab
2006 - Bruns: UbiquitousAction
2006 - Erbe, Mueller: BASYS06
2006 - Erbe: UbiquitousAutomation
2006 - Faust: HapticFeedbackInPervasiveGames
2006 - Faust, Mueller: PapC31
2006 - Kuby: KrummesZeug
2006 - Mueller: ICL2006
2006 - Pratsch: INCOM06-MixedRealityAerocave
2006 - Robben: GFA
2006 - Yoo, Bruns: InComEIMR020306
2007 - Mueller, Erbe: Bilbao-PREPRINT
2007 - Bruns: COA07
2007 - Bruns et al: Cea2007-final_version
2007 - Cermak: Auto-racing
2007 - GFA: GFA2007-Inhaltsverzeichnis
2007 - Mueller et al: iJOE-2007
2007 - Mueller et al: REV07
2007 - Mueller et al:REV-66
2008 - Bruns, Mueller, Robben: MC
2008 - Cermak: Photo-shooting
2008 - Schaf, Mueller, Pereira, Bruns: ComSupCol
2008 - Schaf, Mueller, Pereira, Bruns: Poster
2008 - Schelhowe et al: Begreifen-Gesamt10
2009 - Grabowski, Cermak-Sassenrath: Unvollendet-mm09
2009 - Mueller: Keynote-ijoe_v2
2009 - Mueller, Schaf: Rev09
2009 - Robben: Raum-mm09
2009 - Schaf, Mueller, Bruns: CoLab_AnnualReviewsInControl-
2009 - Schaf, Mueller: MM09
2010 - Cermak, Robben: SLL
2010 - Mueller, Bruns: IFAC
2010 - Mueller, Rosch: LL
2010 - Schaf, Mueller: CSEDU_2010_83
2010 - Schaf, Pereira, Mueller: REV2010

Archived arteclab-papers - Redaktion Bernd Robben
Richard/Bruns: Mensch und Maschine im Spielraum - Technische Praxis und ästhetische Erfahrung (2005)
Willi Bruns: Hyper-Bonds - Applications and Challenges(2004)
Yong-ho Yoo: - Energy Interface for Mixed Reality Design (2006)
Projekt Micado - Mixed Reality Caves (2004)
Projekt Micarpet - Mixed Reality Caves (2004)
Projekt Micasa - Mixed Reality Caves (2004)
Bernd Robben et al - Mixed Reality Adventures (2005)
Sandra Budde/Carsten Fischer - Entwicklung des Autoradios (2006)
Daniel Pratsch - Der Aero-Cave - Wind zur Orientierung in virtuellen Welten (2006)
Projekt Themir - Theater in gemischten Welten (2006)
Jörg Richard - Grenzüberschreitungen - Kultur im Kontext (2006)
VEDIP - Einheitliches Konzept für die Verbindung digitaler und physikalischer Modelle mit Hyper-Bonds (DFG 2005-2008)
Das Experiment des Findens - als Verfahrensweise der Kunst

Courses and Student-Projects

Publications of F.W. Bruns